We had a wonderful Christmas week! The kids were feeling pretty much better, and we were able to celebrate with the Bonnema family on Monday night. We had a wonderful, relaxing evening laughing, eating, opening gifts, and celebrating. While this was going on in Michigan a wonderful Christmas miracle was arriving in Seattle. We are excited to welcome our new niece Amelia Josephine Lappenga on Monday night. She is so beautiful. We can't wait to hold her!

Tuesday we headed to Detroit, a 7 hour drive through the ice and snow. My mom, Martha and I were able to attend 'White Christmas' at the Fox Theater. It was our birthday gift to her. We missed Laura who was at home in Florida with her sweet little 4 week old Nathan! We stayed in Livonia for the rest of the week celebrating Christmas with my parents, Martha, Chuck, Adelee, and Gordie. It was a wonderful week with lots of joyful noise! Again, we missed Laura, Gavin, and Nathan so much.
We are so blessed this Christmas season with such wonderful family friends. I hope you all had a wonderful, blessed holiday. Merry Christmas!