Posted by Anna at 8:15 PM 1 comments
Where have we been in the past month?
We have been enjoying family time. Martha and her kids were here from Thanksgiving until last Monday. We savored every moment of having them in town. The kids are so close it is amazing to see. Martha and I sewed, knitted, chatted, cooked, laughed and shopped a little. Last weekend Laura, Gavin and their kids were in Livonia too. We spent the weekend celebrating Christmas (and the wedding of our cousin). It was amazing to have all 7 grand kids together (and the 3 sisters!)...so fun to watch. We were busy but enjoyed every moment. We were very sad to see everyone go.
We have also been sick :( Noah just got off of his Strep meds last Friday and had a chest x-ray to diagnose pneumonia yesterday. He has been out of school all week and is very frustrated to be missing all the fun at school. Prayers that he continues to heal.
We have been preparing for Christmas. We haven't been home much so tonight the kids and I finally got the decorations on the tree. We are trying to prepare more than our home though, we are preparing our hearts for true Gift of the season.
I am so looking forward to slowing down next week. Staying in our jammies. Snuggling with books. Baking. Savoring our blessings.
Our nightly reading of Christmas stories before bed. Putting the ornaments on the tree (finally!)
Abby selecting her snacks at the class Christmas party
Posted by Anna at 7:59 PM 3 comments
I apologize in advance for those of you who don't care about things related to our dog. But, I do. You may not know that I've always wanted a scruffy "Benji' looking dog. I have one in Ernie. Until his date with the worst groomer known to man (who works at Schmidt Veterinary Clinic in Holland, MI...DO NOT GO THERE). I specifically told her NOT to cut him like a poodle and to keep him scruffy. At 5:00 today we picked up our chocolate poodle. I kid you not.
Tonight he thought perhaps he had done something wrong (or perhaps he was embarrassed about his haircut) and was moping around. He LOVED snuggle time with Sophie...loved it. He laid like that for 15 minutes. It was adorable and they both cherished every moment.
Yep, we love him anyway. Admit it...it's bad isn't it?
Posted by Anna at 8:07 PM 2 comments
We had a wonderful Halloween!! It was a busy week adjusting back to Michigan time, school, and work...plus a couple of 11th hour costume changes but we had fun!! The weather was 'helpful' that week because the kids had 2 days off one for a tornado watch and one when their school had no power!
We enjoyed a costume 'carnival' at the kids school with Bill and Joan. The kids carved their pumpkins entirely on their own this year....amazing! Trick or Treating was on Saturday night and my parents and Bill and Joan joined us for some of Tom's famous chili and trick or treating. Sunday (actually Halloween!) the kids dressed in costume for a wonderful birthday celebration for Joan and Steve.
The Pumpkins (with hair and ears!) The trick or treating group
Posted by Anna at 12:24 PM 1 comments
Posted by Anna at 1:59 PM 5 comments
Abby and Sophie were home sick from school on Friday. Noah was awesome and went off for the entire day on his own. He didn't think twice about riding the bus alone. That night after he was asleep I found these 3 letters in his backpack from writing time at school. He has the most tender heart. I love him. Dear Dad: Your the best dad in the 'Universe' I love you a lot and don't forget I love you. I can't wait to see you tonight. Sincerely, Noah B
Dear Abby and Sophie: I love you a lot. Your the best sisters ever. I hope you girls are feeling better soon. I love you. Love Noah
Posted by Anna at 9:31 AM 2 comments
Today I completed my first half marathon. It was amazing. The weather was perfect. The course was beautiful. My parents, Tom and the kids were amazing 'fans'. My running partner and friend Peggy was a rock star! I was able to smile while I ran. I was able to appreciate the beauty of the fall colors. I was able to say prayers for Martha who started a half marathon in Long Beach, CA at 7 am, just about as we were crossing the finish line. (SHE ROCKED, SHE IS AMAZING!)
The verse, "I will run and not grow weary..." was my mantra for the last 2 miles.
Thank you for the prayers, good wishes, and support! At a little after 10 am today we finished with a time of 2 hours and 3 minutes (just 3 mintues longer than our goal!). How am I feeling tonight? Proud. (and very very sore!) My shirt caused about 20 people to yell, "GO MOMMY GO" as I ran past! It was amazing.
Posted by Anna at 7:50 PM 2 comments
Sunday I run my first half marathon. Honestly, it's been a rough last month of training. It turns out I have some alignment/leg length issues that are wreaking havoc with my hips and lower back. Pretty much every step hurts. But, I'm stretching, wearing a lift, icing, and I will finish the race on Sunday morning. I've been laughing because "It takes a village to make Anna run a half marathon". Tom has been amazing, picking up the slack at home and supporting me. The kids are learning about goal setting, determination, and constantly chanting, "Go Mommy Go!". I am doing this for me. It has been a welcome distraction to my babies being in school all day. It is not something I ever thought I would do.
I ask for your prayers this weekend. I'm nervous, I'm excited, and I'm ready to be done! Sunday morning 8 am, think of me.
I love this excerpt from the GR Marathon Newsletter from earlier this week:
"This is the week when lives will change. On Sunday, many people, for the first time, will run 26.2 (13.1) miles. They'll learn new things about themselves. They'll meet the challenge that they've set. And their lives will never be the same again.
This is the time that a plan that's been developing for a long time finally comes to fruition. It's the result of many, many hours of training and preparation. And, in spite of some sore legs and some other physical discomfort, they're having the time of their lives.
Our goals aren't always comfortable. The good ones aren't very easy. But when I see the looks on the faces as they cross the finish line, I KNOW that they were all worthwhile.
Anyone who can run 26(13) miles can do anything. And this is the time YOU prove it to yourself."
Posted by Anna at 12:36 PM 6 comments
Posted by Anna at 7:37 PM 2 comments
Posted by Anna at 8:19 PM 1 comments