Sunday, February 28, 2010

Posted by Anna at 7:43 PM 3 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Ok, I uploaded my pictures FINALLY..will I find where they are ever again I do not know! But, here is a photo update of what we've been up to lately!!
Meeting up with the Falkowski's (Maryland) while in Chicago with Bill, Joan and the kids!

Crazy 'monsters' the kids designed (fabric, body type, eyes, etc) and mom and I sewed (thanks mom!) Can you guess who picked which one!?

Celebrating the kids 6th birthday at dinner in Grandville (we spent a night at a water park hotel, it was amazing!)

Posted by Anna at 11:16 AM 1 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Long overdue hugs!
Wow! It's been a very long time!! I am so sorry! We have had computer problems (in the shop and now fixed but WHERE THE HECK IS EVERYTHING....LIKE MY PHOTO PROGRAM??) and even lost my camera for a few days before it turned up again at the restaurant in Grandville where I knew I left it! Even now, I am re installing my Nikon photo software in hopes of being able to upload and hopefully share the 134 pictures I have on my camera!!
Since I last posted we have been to Detroit twice (fun with my parents while Tom was in Vegas, and an awesome weekend with the Bolt's), as well as to Chicago with Bill and Joan, I did a lecture to ~50 women about reducing our environmental impact, the kids turned SIX (6)!!!!!!!!!! and we celebrated with a night at a water park hotel in GR, I went to see Jamie Oliver and Ryan Seacrest on Oprah last week (Show to air March 22) I (heart) Jamie Oliver!!!, I've done some sewing, we celebrated 'love' day by doing the 'walk for warmth' in Zeeland and visiting the local hospital with toys/coloring books for the kids, I'm adjusting to working a second job at Hope, we're enjoying our 'Sunday night Movie night' as often as possible, we're taking every possible moment to soak up the winter sun that occasionally shines through the windows....
I read that today is ' International mother language day' a day to celebrate the history and diversity present in our many world languages. Then, I saw the graphic above and loved it! Have you seen this amazing company run by a local woman? http://www.mothertongues.com/ Love it!!
Well, that's it for my photo-less update, I'll be back soon!!!
Blessings everyone!
Posted by Anna at 8:14 PM 1 comments