Posted by Anna at 8:15 PM 1 comments
Where have we been in the past month?
We have been enjoying family time. Martha and her kids were here from Thanksgiving until last Monday. We savored every moment of having them in town. The kids are so close it is amazing to see. Martha and I sewed, knitted, chatted, cooked, laughed and shopped a little. Last weekend Laura, Gavin and their kids were in Livonia too. We spent the weekend celebrating Christmas (and the wedding of our cousin). It was amazing to have all 7 grand kids together (and the 3 sisters!)...so fun to watch. We were busy but enjoyed every moment. We were very sad to see everyone go.
We have also been sick :( Noah just got off of his Strep meds last Friday and had a chest x-ray to diagnose pneumonia yesterday. He has been out of school all week and is very frustrated to be missing all the fun at school. Prayers that he continues to heal.
We have been preparing for Christmas. We haven't been home much so tonight the kids and I finally got the decorations on the tree. We are trying to prepare more than our home though, we are preparing our hearts for true Gift of the season.
I am so looking forward to slowing down next week. Staying in our jammies. Snuggling with books. Baking. Savoring our blessings.
Our nightly reading of Christmas stories before bed. Putting the ornaments on the tree (finally!)
Abby selecting her snacks at the class Christmas party
Posted by Anna at 7:59 PM 3 comments