"Sophie Style" this is what Sophie wanted to wear to school today, right down to the knee socks on a 85 degree day. I love her style and her passion! I thought maybe the socks would be rolled down by the end of the day (including 3 recesses) but no, she got off the bus looking just like she did at the start of the day! Go Girl! Abby LOVING every moment of driving the boat!
Captain Noah, my handsome boy...he looks so old.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
My beautiful (and handsome) kids
Posted by Anna at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day
We spent the day at one of our favorite places in the world....the cottage. Temps were supposed to reach near 90 so we made a last minute decision to head out for the day. The kids had a blast swimming in the (very cold!) lake, riding on jet skiis, taking boat rides, and seeing family. We also enjoyed watching them laugh and splash, seeing family, sitting under the birch tree on the deck, and taking boat rides. We even got back to Holland in time to get a little of our garden planted. What a wonderful weekend!!
Posted by Anna at 8:55 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Today we enjoyed enough of a break from the rain to plant some flowers at home. Sophie and Abby loved helping. Next stop, our garden plot!
I am having a blast with my friend Kate's DSLR...she's away for the weekend and let me 'play' with it. I'm coming to the conclusion that if I get one of my own, I'll take a lot more pictures that do not include my kids faces :) Hands, dirty knees (Sophie thought it was a little strange!)... What fun!
Posted by Anna at 9:26 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 27, 2011
Welcome Spring!
Today was the first day of the Park Township Farmer's Market (which we can walk to!!). We didn't walk today, but I did pack up the kids and take them before school. It felt so summery (even though we were wearing jackets!)! The kids begged for spinach, a tomato (?since when do they like tomatoes?), rhubarb, and asparagus. Tonight we made an amazing dinner of salmon, rice pilaf, spinach salad (with non-Michigan strawberries), asparagus roasted with Parmesan, and for dessert Martha Stewart's raspberry rhubarb cobbler (love my cookbook Martha). It was amazing.
If you are counting with my 1000 gifts: #482 Local dirt on my hands while preparing a salad
If you are counting with my 1000 gifts: #482 Local dirt on my hands while preparing a salad
(Ok, Kate I LOVE the camera!)
Posted by Anna at 7:42 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 21, 2011
So sorry it's been so long!! We are doing well, enjoying the late arrival of spring! We were overjoyed to have Nathan and Kaitlin (aka Nate the Great and Kate the Great) Laura, and Gavin here for a week this month! We even saw what life would be like with 5 kids for a few days while Laura and Gavin went up north (shout out to Beth!). Loved it!! It was amazing to have so much wonderful and quality time with all of them.
The kids marched in the Tulip Time Kinderparade this year in full Dutch costume! Temps reached near 90 that day, but they did great! (picture to come..it's not uploading!)
The girls have just finished their soccer season. They learned a lot and had a blast! They especially love having their friend/classmate 'Ella V' on their team for the 4th time!
We are counting down the (14) days until summer vacation and savoring the arrival of warmer temps, green, and longer days!
The girls after their last soccer game.
Posted by Anna at 9:23 PM 1 comments
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