The last week in March was full of joy and beauty (and Barnes and Noble it seems!). Tuesday night we saw this beautiful tree near our garden plot (from which Bill, Joan, and the kids were able to harvest Kale...from last summer!!) The kids all got 100% on their 'Sociales' test on Monday....all in Spanish. I know, I am bragging, and I apologize, but they are amazing :) Thursday was the kids last day of school before spring break! We celebrated after school with a treat at the Starbucks in Barnes and Noble. Friday morning started out with laziness and snuggles, just like the first day of spring break should! (Followed by playing, lunch and the library with grandma and grandpa Bonnema...thank you! And 'Mirror, Mirror!) Saturday we were able to have individual time with the kids again: my mom had Abby, Tom had Noah (they golfed 9 holes...after Noah ran 2.5 miles with me!), and Sophie and I painted watercolor and spent more time at Barnes and Noble (more treats!). Saturday night Tom and I had a date night (thanks mom and dad!), it was perfectly wonderful!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Posted by Anna at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 26, 2012
Posted by Anna at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 19, 2012
Looking for blessings!
Last week I posted several times, but still found a few more photos from the rest of the week taken in my quest to "look" for the blessings in the everyday. Tom was in China Sunday-Friday, so I spoiled the kids just a little! Wednesday temps pushed 80 so we made a trip to Capt. Sundae before religious ed. While they were at religious ed I tested out my new chair on the it! I guess I spoiled myself a little too a new chair, and tulips! In my defense I was a single mom for the week with a horrible sinus infection (don't get me started about the med. reaction). Friday afternoon I picked the kids up a few minutes early from school so we could greet Tom as he got off the plane. The kids love holding up their "Welcome Home" signs and being there to wrap him in gigantic hugs. Tom had a nice trip, very busy with work though! He brought home some amazing gifts including pearls (black for me!!) tea, a beautiful tea pot, and even a few coats! Saturday we celebrated St. Patricks Day downtown Holland with Bill and Joan. Sunday we kept the 'welcome home daddy' celebration going with banana chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and a picnic dinner of pizza in the back yard (with bare MARCH!)
Posted by Anna at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Field Trip
This morning I was able to join the kids and their class on a field trip to a local water treatment plant. One of my biggest blessings is that I have a job that allows me to do this (as long as I'm not teaching!) As we walked around the plant Noah took my hand and said, "I love spending time with you during the day mom" Sigh.
Abby and Mommy on the bus
Noah and Sophie in the chemistry lab
Posted by Anna at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 12, 2012
Monday Moments
Beautiful clouds after a heavy rain
Joyful Noah with his book end created at a cub scout meeting he visited with a friend

While Noah was with his friend the girls and I had a 'treasure hunt' at a local antique store. The mission: find the best treasure for $5. After an hour Abby(L) and I (center) found our treasures for $4 and $4.50...Sophie (R) found hers for $8. I was getting a little tired, so I relented. When we told the woman at the counter what we were doing, she gave Sophie her treasure for $5 so she could achieve her goal!
Posted by Anna at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Weekend Love
We had a weekend full of love.....
A lovely 2 mile run with my newest running partner....Noah!! The kids first time bowling!! (Wow, was I ever thankful for the bumpers...I might have actually hit the pins about 3 times without them!)
Posted by Anna at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Joy from this past week
This week was filled with joy, and some sniffles. Both Tom and I came down with nasty colds this week, hence the first picture: my 'puffs plus' box and tea mug two items that seldom left my side this week. My family will recall the days of my childhood when my dad would go out to get my 'puffs plus' any time I was sick. I love you dad! Wednesday the kids and I shared another March tradition (not as great as Captain Sundae) Shamrock Shakes! The kids put on a great 'circus' to cheer us this week. Thursday was a half day at school and the kids and I loved sharing lunch together at home. That meal was always one of my favorites when we were home together when they were little, so this day was extra special! I even summoned the energy to make peanut butter kiss cookies as a special treat.
Posted by Anna at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I started seeing the tell-tale signs about a week and a half ago. A few days later, the sign went up, and the date was marked on our calender. We had our plan. We were excited.
Today, as I stepped out of work and a warm breeze hit my face and I was blinded by sunshine I wondered deep down if today would be the day. It would be one day early....but would it be today? About 5 minutes later I knew the answer and literally squealed with delight the entire rest of the way home. It was the longest 15 minutes ever spent waiting for the kids to get off the bus...and then we were off. To 'THE BEST DAY EVER'
As we enjoyed our ice cream, and shivered just a little (it was 63 degrees, but windy!) we allowed ourselves to dream of our many visits here this coming summer....when we'll be sweaty from a bike ride, or gritty with sand from the beach, or exhausted from a day of park hopping....allowed ourselves to dream of summer when there are long strings of 'best days ever' to be had.
Posted by Anna at 4:53 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 5, 2012
March is here!
It's hard to believe March is here!! For the first full week of Lent Tom and I did an experiment we 'adapted' from the book 7: An Experimental Mutiny against Excess by Jen Hatmaker. We planned 5 dinners using only what was in our pantry with the addition of only 7 new ingredients. It was fun and rewarding, and Wednesday night I was thrilled to pull together roasted vegetables and Giada's popovers with ingredients in my fridge and pantry (as side dishes)!! Before dinner we visited the beach and someone was kite-boarding! Thursday night the girls attended a birds of prey show at Hope, they loved it! Saturday we visited DeGraaf Nature Center where Abby loved bird watching and we all enjoyed learning about maple sugar toffee made over ice! Saturday night my dad watched the kids so Tom and I could have a wonderful date night at 'The Fennville Station'. It was a great Italian restaurant in a 1940's train car! Sunday we made an early St. Patrick's Day Feast for my dad who will be in LA for the real day! Sophie made her own Soda Bread this year! So great!!
Happy March!!
Posted by Anna at 8:46 PM 1 comments