We had a wonderful, peaceful Easter weekend as a family. Both sets of our parents are out West so it was quiet and slow paced but we had a beautiful day (we missed everyone though!). Saturday we had Tom's Easter breakfast at work, followed by Noah's last hockey class, followed by the kids 6 year photos by Tom's amazing cousin Katie DeBoer, followed by a quick visit to grandma B., ending with a sad MSU defeat! Sunday the kids were up early to see the treats the Easter Bunny brought from his garden this year! They were thrilled to find carrots, red peppers, Kale, radishes, etc. I must admit he snuck in a few pieces of candy this year since the kids had given it up for Lent. After a relaxing morning we enjoyed a beautiful church service complete with hand bell choir. In the afternoon we paid grandma B another visit and were able to take her outside to enjoy the Easter sunshine. She loved seeing the kids prancing around chasing ducks in their Easter clothes! We spent the rest of the day cooking, eating, making and decorating bunny cupcakes and coloring eggs in our jammies. It was restful and fulfilling. What a beautiful day!
Today we had a friend from school over to play and prepared a 'baseball dinner' for Tom when he got home from work. The Tigers opened their season today so we celebrated with hotdogs (a big treat!), homemade nachos, peanuts and cracker jack! We ate in the basement watching the game in Tom's authentic Tiger Stadium seats. Go Tigers!
I love spring break!
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