The past two weeks have past in a blur of happiness.....
A change of travel plans and last minute flight to Los Angeles

A couple of days to relax and play with my beautiful sister Martha.

Being present for the birth of my new niece Chessa Noelle. Words cannot explain: beauty, peace, miracle.....

"Girls Night" at the hospital (Chuck and the kids had 'movie night' at home, so I was on hospital duty for a few hours). We chatted, stared in awe at Chessa, shared sprite and was perfect.

Special time with Adelee and Gordie while their mommy and daddy were in the hospital. Including baseball and frisbee, a trip to make fossils, a walk to Whole Foods for flowers, and making welcome home signs!

Wonderful time playing, eating (amazing restaraunt) and exploring Santa Monica with Laura, Ben, Amelia, and Annemieke!

After the fun in LA, I sure missed my kids. I was happy to get home to celebrate 'hot chocolate Friday' with them!

And to attend Noah's 2nd flag football game on Saturday (Coach Tom!)
As September winds down, I am so thankful for the precious memories that were made this month. Treasured moments.
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