Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 1, 2013

Soaking in the down time.  There is something about changing the calendar to September that causes me to pause.  Filling in all of the football practices and games, work events, and activities fills me with an excitement for the season as well as a sadness for what we are wrapping up this weekend.  Today was full of ups and downs for me.  Ups included snuggles in the white chair with each kiddo, quiet thankfulness for the adventures of the summer in church, more lazy snuggles, a cook out with my parents complete with corn on the cob, watermelon and blueberry crisp, and Sunday night movie night.  Downs came in the form of sadness when I least expected them..or maybe I did, erasing the August claendar, quiet thankfulness for the adventures of the summer in church, making up the meal plan for the first week of school-full of packable lunches and snacks and easy, healthy and quick dinners, and walking without the kids through the store and realizing I wanted to be at home with them, not shopping for the supplies of the week.  The backpacks have been packed since Friday night, first day outfits have been selected, the snack drawer is full but we have one more day of summer vacation 2013.  Tomorrow will be busy because I have to teach in the morning, and we are excited to make a quick trip to the cottage to celebrate with Grandma Zeeff but I make a promise now to savor every last moment. 


joan b. said...

Oh my! What a lot of posts I missed the last two weeks! It was great fun reading about all of your adventures and activities :)