Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Tom!

Today Tom turned 34!! He took the day off to relax with the family. We let him sleep in, took him to our favorite puppet show (where Noah refused to leave without telling the woman who works there that it's his daddy's birthday....they sang him Happy Birthday :), and had a great lasagne dinner. I even got to go for a chilly run! We also spent some time working on our Christmas tree. For a few years we have had the kids make the ornaments for the tree. Today Tom made 'salt dough' and the kids helped cut the shapes and painted them. The tree is looking wonderful, and is so special. Not as special as my wonderful husband, we are so blessed to have him....what a gift.


Anonymous said...

Yep, he is something special! Miss you guys!

Triplet Mom said...

Happy Birthday Tom!

joan b. said...

I'm eager to see your tree with all the hand-made ornaments. Tom is a wonderful dad, that's for sure! I love you all!

Anonymous said...

Tom does have a gift, it's called a can of corn.