Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cute PIcture, even cuter story

The kids and I went to Grandville with our friends yesterday, and as always, enjoyed a ride on the carousel. Hence, the picture. BUT, I have an even cuter story: I returned from a run tonight (burr!) and was greeted by Sophie running down the hall holding a 'glass' glass. I asked what she was doing with a 'real glass'. She promptly responded, "Catching Steam". I was curious, so I followed her. Tom (AKA Super Dad) was making pasta for dinner, and had all 3 kids up on chairs over the boiling pasta water (carefully) and was teaching them how steam was made. He showed them how they could 'catch' it in a glass, and then feel the water that is left. They explained it all to me. Amazing. Just amazing. I love my husband :)


Chuck, Martha and Family said...

That Tom is amazing! What a wonderful family! Great parents make great kids! You both rock!

Anonymous said...

Yep, he is something!

joan b. said...

I love him, too! The two of you should open a science academy for children :) It's no wonder the kids are so bright and curious with parents like the two of you....
how blessed they are!

Anonymous said...

Tom (AKA The Creature - ahoooooooooooooooooooooo) is an amazing person! I'm so glad that that $100,000 Hope education taught him how to make steam (and pasta). What a chef, you and Tom should open a cooking school for children! Just amazing! I love your husband too! (you are sooooooooooooooooooooooo blessed!!!)