Friday, February 20, 2009

GRRRR-eat Day!

We had a wonderful Friday! It started when I finished ONE of Noah's tiger socks I am knitting him. He is so excited, and really hopes the second one will go faster!!

This afternoon we headed to the GR Children's museum to meet our friends the Landrigans. The kids had a blast playing and getting to see their long time friends again. The moms enjoyed catching up as much as possible while keeping an eye on 7 kids. At one point as our gang was moving to another room another mom asked if there was a show going on in there (otherwise, why was the room clearing out!?) She was surprised to hear it was just our kids changing rooms! Everytime we line them up for a photo I am reminded of the first one we took on their couch when the kids were 6 months old. Time flies.


Chuck, Martha and Family said...

look at those poses on the girls! What beauty queens! And love the sock!
miss you!

joan b. said...

I remember the picture of the kids and the 'Land quads' lined up on your they've grown! Glad you had such a fun time together at the museum :)